Asset Manager Operational Challenges

The demands of asset managers middle office operations continue to expand due to several factors including: more complex investment products and the needs for an optimized operating model, the heightened regulatory environment, market change and volatility, investor demands for more transparency, and greater needs for data consistency and governance.

Tech-Driven Solutions

Ultimus’ tailored middle office solution provides a scalable, technology-driven operating infrastructure, supplemented by our industry-leading knowledge, service team, and the oversight you need to optimize operational efficiency, normalize and govern investment data, manage costs and control operational risk across your investment platform.

In addition, as part of Ultimus’ award winning uSUITE® technology, our Middle Office client portal, uANALYZE™, distills and manages asset managers’ portfolio accounting, performance, and analytics data in an efficient and client-centric manner. Our solutions are completely modular, and can be aligned to our client’s specific requirements, with component services either bundled together or stand-alone as needed.

Discover more about Ultimus’ Middle Office Data Management Solution and how asset managers can outsource services to save time and normalize data more efficiently in our case study here.

Flexible Service Modules

To deliver flexible service solutions customized for each asset manager’s needs, Ultimus offers a variety of comprehensive service modules – such as Trade Settlement Services, Investment Book of Record including Portfolio Performance and Analytics, and Institutional Investor Services – all supported by our proprietary and industry-leading technology to meet your evolving requirements and need for scale.

Our Middle Office Services include:
Trade Settlement ServicesInvestment Book of RecordInstitutional Investor Services
Portfolio Accounting
Performance & Analytics
Post-Trading Compliance
Client Reporting
Client Invoicing
  • Trade Settlement Services – Provides outsourced post-execution trade settlement lifecycle management, including counterparty matching, enrichment, messaging to custodians and interested parties (via the Ultimus SWIFT gateway, FIX or FTP), and settlement status. Real-time status reporting covering all facets of the settlement lifecycle provided for transparency and governance. Learn more in our case study here.
  • Investment Book of Record – Consolidated position, cash and transaction data across multiple custodians and sub-advisors, providing “total book of business” views of critical and time sensitive investment data in a normalized yet client flexible medium, powered by Ultimus’ technology infrastructure and uANALYZE portal. Our GIPS compliant performance measurement platform provides a comprehensive view of portfolio performance, including customizable views of total and contribution to return, benchmark comparisons, and attribution. Ultimus will also support your post-trade compliance based on client defined rulesets.
  • Institutional Investor Services –White-labeled support of asset manager’s institutional client statements reporting and invoicing, based on our client defined templates and methodology. Reporting can be disseminated directly by Ultimus via secure emails or through our proprietary suite portals.

Contact us to learn more about our middle office service solutions.

Understand the dynamics of optimizing middle-office technology, plus how outsourcing middle-office functions can help managers meet their evolving needs and those of their investors.


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Institutional Strength | Boutique Service

The Ultimus Group, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All rights reserved.

DISCLOSURE: Information contained on this website is based on public data, historical agreements and dialogue with intermediaries. Such information represents our current understanding of the described platforms and the costs associated with them. In many cases, such costs may be negotiable. All pricing and fee information is subject to change without notice.

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Ultimus Fund Solution