Asset Manager Operational Challenges
The demands of asset managers middle office operations continue to expand due to several factors including: more complex investment products and the needs for an optimized operating model, the heightened regulatory environment, market change and volatility, investor demands for more transparency, and greater needs for data consistency and governance.
Tech-Driven Solutions
Ultimus’ tailored middle office solution provides a scalable, technology-driven operating infrastructure, supplemented by our industry-leading knowledge, service team, and the oversight you need to optimize operational efficiency, normalize and govern investment data, manage costs and control operational risk across your investment platform.
In addition, as part of Ultimus’ award winning uSUITE® technology, our Middle Office client portal, uANALYZE™, distills and manages asset managers’ portfolio accounting, performance, and analytics data in an efficient and client-centric manner. Our solutions are completely modular, and can be aligned to our client’s specific requirements, with component services either bundled together or stand-alone as needed.
Discover more about Ultimus’ Middle Office Data Management Solution and how asset managers can outsource services to save time and normalize data more efficiently in our case study here.